<p>When we hear about the word Stoicism, Stoics or even Stolidity, one thing keeps ringing in our head; Indifference! Indifference to pain, Indifference to pleasure, Indifference to our sense of reasoning, and Indifference to our raging emotions. Nevertheless, Stoicism goes way beyond just Indifference. It encapsulates our very existence.<br /> It is important to know that Stoicism as a philosophy started more than a thousand years ago. As a matter of fact, early Stoicism dates back to the days of the old Athens in the Greek setting. Zeno was the father of early Stoicism with lots of scholars and thinkers doting on his philosophy after his death.<br /> Many centuries later, the term Stoicism became synonymous with thinkers of antiquities such as Kant, Montaigne, Deleuze, and Nietzsche. According to these scholars, the world and humans are two connected but distinct components which should work hand in hand for a better cosmos.<br /> They further believed that the world is materially and secularly inclined with humans playing a big role in this formation, especially as a rational animal. However, the rise and introduction of the Modern Stoics saw the regression of the views, tenets, and beliefs of the early Stoics as it contradicts with the true nature and set up of the modern world.<br /> This gave birth to the paradigm shift in some of the core values of the principles of Stoicism. The Modern day Stoicism now focus on the acknowledgment of facts ahead of nature, elimination of violent emotions towards much better reasoning, and upholding virtue as the only gateways towards being happy.<br /> In other words, a clear mind devoid of emotions is a perfect mind. Be that as it may, what this book seeks to do is to familiarize and enlighten you on the concepts of Stoicism. It also seeks to take you through a stress-free journey of being a better version of what you were yesterday.<br /> A lot of people had made their mistakes from making what could have been a simple problem into a cumbersome one. If only they had added a little bit of logic and emotionless attitude, the problem would have been dealt with accordingly. But most times, we tend to let our emotions take total control of us, thereby making decisions the will leave us unhappy in the end.<br /> This book would equip you with the right mindset towards making a better judgment, even in the face of adversities. It would enlighten you on how to beat depression and anxiety even without trying. Read through the chapters with rapt attention, and I can assure you of coming out stronger, better, and wiser in making decisions that influence your life.<br /> We all deserve to be happy. We all deserve to lead a good life. Clear your mind and allow us take you through this breathtaking experience. Happy reading!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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